Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Found On Road Dead

The Holmes Report, a trade publication that covers advertising and pr agencies, gives it to Ford in an article about their new-found homophobia satirically entitled:

Under Pressure From KKK, Ford Pulls Ads From Black Media.

John Stewart was ridiculing the company as well last night. See what happens when you wimp out to bigots? Here's the key quote:

Forty years ago, at the height of the civil rights struggle, the KKK had about the same economic influence, popular support and moral authority the American Family Association enjoys today. It’s hard to imagine that Ford then would have negotiated with the Klan, far less given it an excuse to claim victory. The company’s surrender to the AFA tells you all you need to know about the quality of leadership at Ford today.

Even a company founded by that old anti-semite Henry Ford must wonder some about its long-term legacy. Why would they wish to be caught on the wrong side of history? I guess this is what happens when you hire Republican flunkies as executives.

Of course, maybe I'm wrong and in fifty years they'll be hanging queers from the Tyburn Tree again.

All thanks to John for leading us to the barricades.


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