Friday, March 24, 2006

Why I Love American Apparel, Reason 4582

I just received this company-wide e-mail:

Ronald Reagan said that "Every immigrant makes America more American." As for our company, it would not exist without immigrants. In every department, at every stage of production, people born and trained in other countries contribute their skills, their hard work, and their cultural heritage to make American Apparel the success it is. The Sensenbrenner-King Bill (H.R. 4437) may drastically change the conditions that make our company possible by taking away rights of legal immigrants and punishing innocent acts of kindness toward undocumented immigrants. The American immigration system needs repair, but treating immigrants as criminals will not fix it. We've said this before and we say it again: legalize LA, don't criminalize it.

On Saturday, March 25th, American Apparel employees will join thousands other Angelenos to oppose H.R. 4473. The march will start at 10am at Olympic and Broadway and end at Los Angeles City Hall. For more details about H.R. 4437 and the march against it see:


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